Ganoderma (Ling Zhi) 灵芝 and Salvia root (Dan Shen) 丹参 Tea for high cholesterol and heart condition
Ganoderma (Ling Zhi) and Salvia Root (Dan shen) have been in used in China for centuries. The ingredients in this tea demonstrate effectiveness in reducing Total Cholesterol, Total Triglyceride; Total Lipid; Phospholipid and reducing symptoms associated with Atherosclerosis, Angina, Chest/Epigastric pain and Diabetes Mellitus.
2Serving dosage. For 1 day use.
Cook Time
2Serving dosage. For 1 day use.
Cook Time
  1. In a glass or ceramic pot, add all ingredients and cook on medium heat for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Filter the tea. Drink in small amounts anytime throughout the day.
Alternative Instruction If you use Ground Ganoderma
  1. If you use Ground Ganoderma, the dosage required should be reduced to 5-7 grams.
  2. Add the ground Ganoderma in a tea bag.
  3. After Salvia Root has been cooked for 20-30 minutes, turn off heat. Let the tea cool down.
  4. When the tea is cool enough, filter the tea and save the liquid.
  5. Add the Ganoderma tea bag into the filtered tea.
  6. Return the tea to the pot. Bring the tea to a boiling state, turn off heat.
  7. Let the Ganoderma infuse in the pot for 20 minutes before serving.
Alternate Instruction if you use Ganoderma Capsule
  1. After Salvia Root has been cooking for 20-30 minutes, remove from heat.
  2. Filter the tea, save the liquid.
  3. Break the Ganoderma Capsule and add the content to the tea. Serve immediately.
Recipe Notes

There are 4 main patterns in Syndrome Differentiation in Traditional Chinese Medicine for Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol), atherosclerosis  and chest pain.

The focus of this Dietary Recipe is on treating phlegm blood-stasis complex which leads to chest pain, high cholesterol and atherosclerosis.

Please note that the recipe is not suitable for everyone. Syndrome (Pattern) Differentiation will be required and should be done by a Registered/Licensed Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner.

Please note the detailed descriptions of the properties, functions and cautions regarding the herbs below used in this recipe.

Ganoderma (Ling Zhi) 灵芝 and Salvia root (Dan Shen) 丹参 Tea is designed to treat one of the syndromes (patterns) only.

Due to its well-known therapeutic effect over the past few centuries, it became a popular household remedy in China and Hong Kong. Many people with a heart condition, especially the elderly, incorporate this tea either as a preventative medicine or as an adjunct treatment for their western medicine.

1. Dan Shen (Salvia Root)

  • Properties: Bitter, Cool
  • Main Functions: Promote blood circulation, dispel blood stasis; cool blood, reduce swelling of sores and abscesses; nourish blood and calms mind;
  • Dosage: 5-10g
  • Caution: hypermenorrhea, hemoptysis or hematuria; anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs; Digoxin
  • 《本草纲目》:活血,通心包络,治疝痛。

2. Ling Zhi (Ganoderma)

  • Properties: Sweet, sour, slightly warm
  • Main Functions: Nourish Heart and calm the mind; Stops cough and wheezing to treat asthma; tonifies qi and blood for fatigue, loose stools, dizziness, poor appetites. Clinical case studies show that Ganoderma can treat hyperlipidemia, leukopenia, chronic hepatic diseases and dermatological disorders
  • Dosage: 3-15g

3. Gan Cao (Licorice Root)

  • Properties: Sweet, sour, slightly warm
  • Main Functions: Tonifies Spleen, benefits Qi. It moistens lung and stops cough; Relieves Pain; Clears heat, elimiantes toxins. Treat poisoning and harmonizes other herbs.
  • Main use: It enhances digestion. Clinically, it enhances digestion, treats sores, swellings and carbuncles, relieves pain and treats coughing and wheezing of various etiologies.
  • Dosage: 3-15g
  • Caution: May raise blood pressure depending on the etiologies.


  • The use of Dietary Therapy, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture may lead to major improvements in your health.
  • However, you should not self-adjust medication prescribed by your Medical Doctor.
  • If you are on medication prescribed by your Doctor and your health improves, you should consult with your Doctor to ensure your medication is adjusted appropriately.
  • This recipe and its info are not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to your health condition.
  • Dietary information provided by  web site is for informational and educational purposes only.
  • You should not disregard professional medical advice, delay in seeking treatment, or rely on the information contained in this web site in place of seeking professional medical advice.
  • If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.